Lagrange Point

Author: mhj

  • The Mother of All NixOS Posts

    This post will cover all the documentation I can find about NixOS, and will be continuously edited when I get the time. Primarily, the intent will about _doing things_ with NixOS and _understanding_ them; thus, various points in the post will link to various others. Thanks and enjoy! Lists: Awesome Nix Has a great…

  • Hosting commenced!

    So I found the style I wanna use for WordPress and this is it! It looks like what I always had in mind… Anyways, I now host the following services: IPFS IRC at, port 6667, no ssl required. Join channel #main! I2P, still working that out. Yggdrasil. Cool internet router. Gemini at gemini:// Gopher…

  • New blog

    Please, go here instead, until I figure out how I wanna blog and whether to continue using WordPress or not. WordPress is just too much for me, when all I want is a simple way to blog.

  • Re: Small Web

    I have decided to go back on not hosting a small web capsule, that is, Gemini. Gemini is currently the most popular small web protocol. I do value what it brings to everyone. I might also host a Gemini capsule over Tor and Yggdrasil. I’m also looking into IPFS. I don’t quite understand how to…

  • Quitting the Small Web

    You’re probably asking “Why quit the small web?”. Well, the reason is simple, I do find the small web wonderful, and I will continue to peruse other’s small web sites, primarily the Gopher and Gemini ones, but I find the act of keeping up a small web site to be huge time sink, and one…

  • Decision and option paralysis

    Hi all, I think that I have decision and option paralysis. That is to say, I can’t seem to stick with just one thing. I have too many things to keep track of, to update, to read, to write, to play etc. So I’ve decided to cut back on some things – I also run…

  • Distro reviews: Slackware

    Slackware, an unusual name for anyone who isn’t familiar with the Linux ecosystem. As far as history goes, Slackware is one of the oldest Linux distributions still around. Some of the others are SoftLanding Linux(Slackware has it’s roots in that distribution) and Yggdrasil. In any case, that’s not what we’re reviewing today. I’m not the…

  • Distro reviews: NixOS

    What is NixOS? Nix is a functional package manager and it also has an operating system built around it, called NixOS. Together it makes for quite a powerful combo. I have been using NixOS now for many years, and I do find it to generally be usable and rock solid, despite it’s many quirks. I…

  • Lagrange Point community

    I am going to be starting up the community server soon, and will take sign ups after I get the IRC server up and running. Everything, like Tilde Town, will be internal only. This is to increase security and trust. Hope to see you there!

  • Small Net update

    Will be powering down the Gopher and Spartan servers. Those protocols don’t see much use here, and I need to concentrate on creating more content for Gemini and the Web.